
About My Brother’s House

Is the house right for me?

My Brother’s House may be a fit for you if:

  • You honestly want to stop drinking or using and find that you can’t
  • You are sick and tired of chasing the next drink or drug
  • The man that looks back at you in the mirror makes you sick to your stomach
  • You are tired of destroying the lives of those that love you (if there are any left)
  •  Your entire life revolves around the next drink or drug

Expectations for residents

We are serious about recovery

  • Expose any legal constraints imposed on you by the legal system (parole, probation, warrants, etc…)
  • Surrender all electronics (phones, computers, smart watchers, and the like) until you earn the privilege to use them
  • Be willing to work either at the house or at a formal place of employment
  • Submit to random drug tests
  • Regularly attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings and get a sponsor
  • Complete assigned tasks and chores
  • Respect others and the house rules

Amenities and Services

Its’ a pretty nice deal

  • Bed
  • Minimum of one prepared hot meal (generally dinner)
  • Snacks
  • Laundry
  • Showers
  • Wifi
  • Community rooms 
  • Personal computing resources
  • Recreational areas
  • Transportation to work and recovery related activities

Cost and Commitment

A commitment to MBH may change your life

My Brother’s House charges $125 per week for rent.

There is a one-time $50 application fee.

Our goal is to get you into a position where you can be fully self-supporting. We anticipate this will take between 9 and 18 months.

We will assist you in developing: a foundation for sobriety, fundamental life skills and hygiene, financial and budget management, freedom from legal troubles and more.

For the to process to work, you must make a commitment for the long haul. It will not always be easy, but it is better than being dead or in jail.